October 9, 2019 – Steve Bruner

A Holistic Approach to Healthy Cells - Proven by Research
FYI: The entire body of work that went into EVEREST Earth & Sea Formula, Vintage Resveratrol 100%, 7 BASICS, 4 GRAMS and OxyAGE is centered on how to help our customers realize healthier cell life - the very essence of all life. Healthier cells require:
- Cell nourishment at the micro-nutritional level
- Cell repair (needs the proper chemical balance to take place)
- Cell protection (antioxidants that work inside/outside the cell wall)
- Cellular rejuvenation - works because the first 3 conditions are realized.
The Need For Antioxidants
A physician trying to explain the need for antioxidants says it best "To stop rusting from the inside out, take antioxidants." That rust comes from oxidation.
Are you rusting
Oxidation is a chemical reaction within the body that produces free radicals, unstable organic molecules responsible for tissue damage, aging and disease states. Antioxidants protect cells by inhibiting the action of free radicals, and are widely used in dietary supplements to support heart health, prevent cancer, keep the body free of disease and counteract the effects of aging. Many different compounds and substances have antioxidant activity, including vitamins, herbs, polyphenols and fruit and vegetable extracts.
The most commonly used antioxidants include vitamins C, A and E; carotenoids such as beta-carotene and lutein; minerals, including selenium; and bioflavonoids, including quercetin, rutin and catechin. Many of these ingredients are derived from antioxidant-rich foods, including green tea, grape skins, blueberries, red wine, goji berries, noni, pomegranates, even chocolate.
FACT: Did you know ALA – Alpha Lipoic Acid is known as the universal antioxidant because it works on both sides of the cell membrane.
If you do not understand anything about antioxidants understand this Direct antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, work immediately against free radicals, while indirect antioxidants, such as polyphenols, fuel the body's own antioxidant production. Research has determined that multiple indirect antioxidants have a stronger protective effect than high doses of single antioxidants, so blended supplements which combine multiple antioxidant sources have the greatest protective effect.
This is why EVEREST Earth & Sea Formula is an advanced array of antioxidants – to insure we cover the full spectrum of direct and indirect antioxidants.
We Age Because of Progressive Damage to Our DNA
One of the primary reasons we age is the progressive damage to our nuclear DNA. As the DNA becomes damaged—typically from oxidative stress or replication errors—its signaling for the production of enzymes and other cellular functions starts developing errors. As these errors accumulate, cellular function declines—hence the common experience of declining health and vitality at older ages. Damaged DNA leads to mutations, physiological dysfunction and increased risk of cancer.(1) The good news is that we can do a lot to prevent damage to the DNA.
How DNA Is Damaged
A lot has been learned about how DNA is damaged by looking at the levels of molecules that are released when it is repaired. One of the most extensively studied is 8-OHdG (8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine), which is excreted in the urine. Urinary 8-OHdG is a biomarker of cellular oxidative stress and a risk factor for many diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis and diabetes.(2) 8-OHdG levels are higher in those with chronic inflammatory diseases and as people age.(3) The amount of 8-OHdG produced is primarily determined by diet, lifestyle and environmental toxin exposure. Smokers have 300 percent more than non-smokers,(4) those who live in polluted cities have almost twice the levels than those living in rural settings(5) and there is a strong correlation between urinary 8-OHdG and mercury exposure—those with four to five times as much mercury in blood or urine have five to six times as much 8-OHdG.(6) Malignant cells contain high levels of oxidized DNA.(7) Even worse, cancerous cells produce high levels of the oxidant hydrogen peroxide, further damaging DNA.(8)
DNA Can Be Protected
As would be expected, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables—especially the dark ones—decreases both oxidative DNA damage and cancer.(9) One study found that increasing fruits and vegetables to 12 servings a day decreased urinary 8-OHdG by a remarkable 57 percent after only two weeks.(10) One reason a diet rich in colorful fruits and vegetables has been found to be so protective is its high content of polyphenols. These compounds are strongly antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Nuts such as almonds have also been shown to decrease DNA damage with one study finding a 29 percent drop in smokers after consuming three ounces a day for four weeks.(11) While the duration and intensity of cigarette smoking correlate with the levels of 8-OHdG, the good news is that in as little as four weeks after stopping the levels are almost back to normal. Some supplements have been shown to decrease DNA damage. For example, 200mg/d of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) decreases 8-OHdG in humans with the protection being still measurable a remarkable 12 weeks after supplementation stopped.(12) Consuming tomato puree as well as supplemental lycopene at 30mg/d have been shown to decrease DNA damage by 20-40 percent in as little as two weeks.(13,14) Green, but not black, tea is very effective in reducing 8-OHdG, even in smokers. Four months of drinking four cups daily decreased urinary 8-OHdG by 31 percent compared to controls.(15)
In Summary The amount of damage our DNA suffers and hence our rate of aging and susceptibility to disease is largely determined by diet and lifestyle. By making smart choices and taking the right supplements, we can greatly limit the rate of DNA damage thus extending not only our life span, but our health span as well. References 1 Poulsen HE, Prieme H, Loft S. Role of oxidative DNA damage in cancer initiation and promotion.
REFERENCES: Eur J Cancer Prev. 1998:9–16. 2 Wu LL, Chiou CC, Chang PY, Wu JT. Urinary 8-OHdG: a marker of oxidative stress to DNA and a risk factor for cancer, atherosclerosis and diabetics. Clin Chim Acta. 2004 Jan;339(1-2):1-9. 3 Rall LC, Roubenoff R, Meydani SN, Han SN, Meydani M. Urinary 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) as a marker of oxidative stress in rheumatoid arthritis and aging: effect of progressive resistance training. J Nutr Biochem. 2000 Nov;11(11-12):581-584. 4 Yano T, Shoji F, Baba H, Koga T, Shiraishi T, Orita H, Kohno H. Significance of the urinary 8-OHdG level as an oxidative stress marker in lung cancer patients. Lung Cancer. 2009 Jan;63(1):111-4. 5 Buthbumrung N, Mahidol C, Navasumrit P, et al. Oxidative DNA damage and influence of genetic polymorphisms among urban and rural schoolchildren exposed to benzene. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 2008;172:185–194. 6 Chen C, Qu L, Li B, Xing L, Jia G, Wang T, Gao Y, Zhang P, Li M, Chen W, Chai Z. Increased oxidative DNA damage, as assessed by urinary 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine concentrations, and serum redox status in persons exposed to mercury. Clin Chem. 2005 Apr;51(4):759-67. 7 Toyokuni S, Okamoto K, Yodoi J, Hiai H. Persistent oxidative stress in cancer. FEBS Lett. 1995:1–3. 8 Szatrowski TP, Nathan CF. Production of large amounts of hydrogen peroxide by human tumor cells. Cancer Res. 1991:794–798 9 Halliwell B. Effect of diet on cancer development: is oxidative DNA damage a biomarker? Free Radic Biol Med. 2002:968–974. 10 Thompson HJ, Heimendinger J, Haegele A, Sedlacek SM, Gillette C, O'Neill C, WolfeP, Conry C. Effect of increased vegetable and fruit consumption on markers of oxidative cellular damage. Carcinogenesis. 1999 Dec;20(12):2261-6. 11 Li N, Jia X, Chen CY, Blumberg JB, Song Y, Zhang W, Zhang X, Ma G, Chen J. Almond consumption reduces oxidative DNA damage and lipid peroxidation in male smokers. J Nutr. 2007 Dec;137(12):2717-22. 12 Niklowitz P, Sonnenschein A, Janetzky B, Andler W, Menke T. Enrichment of coenzyme Q10 in plasma and blood cells: defense against oxidative damage. Int J Biol Sci. 2007 Apr 5;3(4):257-62. 13 Riso P, Pinder A, Santangelo A, Porrini M. Does tomato consumption effectively increase the resistance of lymphocyte DNA to oxidative damage? Am J Clin Nutr. 1999 Apr;69(4):712-8. 14 Devaraj S, Mathur S, Basu A, Aung HH, Vasu VT, Meyers S, Jialal I. A dose-response study on the effects of purified lycopene supplementation on biomarkers of oxidative stress. J Am Coll Nutr. 2008 Apr;27(2):267-73. 15 Hakim IA, Harris RB, Brown S, Chow HHS, Wiseman S, Agarwal S and Talbot W. Effect of increased tea consumption on oxidative DNA damage among smokers: A randomized controlled study. J Nutr. 2003;133:3303S-3309S.