Okinawa Coral Calcium

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SMP 44 Okinawa Coral Calcium is nature's perfect 2:1 calcium to magnesium ratio plus 74 trace minerals. Marine Grade SMP 44 is harvested from the ocean floor ecologically. The actual coral has naturally fallen off the reef and is harvested without damage to the reef. It has a high bio-availablity with optimum enzymatic activity.  KOSHER & HALAL Certified & FDA FSMA Complaint.  (60 One Gram Capsules)


Natural Biology Supplements are based on orthomolecular research pioneered by two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling, who demonstrated that specific natural nutrients could optimize cellular environments and significantly enhance overall health potential.

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Price Quality Leader Since 2002

CORAL CALCIUM SMP 44 is nature's perfect 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium plus 74 trace minerals. This pure form of CORAL CALCIUM is bio-available and has and researched based efficacy of benefits. It is harvested from the ocean floor ecologically. Natural Biology has been a price quality leader in Okinawa Coral Calcium since 2002.  Okinawa Coral Calcium is superior to all other sources of coral calcium, and SMP 44 is the highest quality Okinawa Coral Calcium.  Each serving includes 2,000mg of SMP 44 and 400mg of Vitamin D.  


  • Improved body pH from acidic to alkaline
  • Improved energy and well-being
  • Better skin tone and elasticity
  • Less aches and pains - particularly in joints
  • Improves sleep
  • Better lung capacity and breathing
  • Helped with mental fog
  • Lessens PMS pains
  • Helped reduced frequency of head-aches

Coral in the reefs of Okinawa acts as a natural filter, mineralizes the water, and maintains the beauty and purity of the environment. Okinawa coral calcium and coral mineral once added to your diet, can do the same for you. Primarily calcium and magnesium, sango calcium (SMP 44) also contains 74 trace minerals in an ideal balance for your body. And it’s naturally porous—you absorb it better, easier, and faster than calcium carbonate supplements.

Okinawa Coral Calcium

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