Resveratrol and red wine, healthy heart and longevity

May 3, 2022 – Steve Bruner

Resveratrol and red wine, healthy heart and longevity
Resveratrol and red wine, healthy heart and longevity



My Father is 89 and is headed to Europe this week for a 10 day excursion, and has two other international trips planned in 2022.   Natural Biology's Vintage Resveratrol 100% was dedicated to my Dad in 2008, and he and my Step-Mother take it everyday.  I hope you do too.  It's good, really good.  

Why this Study Was Done

This study was conducted to determine how viable it would be to add Resveratrol to food products like Grape Juice.  


Recently I saw an advertisement on TV where it said for a very popular supplement using dried up fruits and vegetables "Resveratrol is found in the skin of grapes and has anti-inflammatory properties" and went on to show a picture of its products.  I know for a fact this product has zero Resveratrol, but they are being cleaver never saying it does, but implying with pictures it does.  There are simply too many BAD RESEVERATROL products as well as a lot of companies misrepresenting RESVERATROL..  This is sad because it is such and incredible ingredient.  


Vintage Resveratrol 100% comes from the Rhone Valley in France, where some of the finest wines in history come from.  It has the highest concentration of Resveratrol found in grapes in the world, and this is the most bioavailable form - and it also contains all the antioxidant values of grape seed extract.   The challenge today is growing enough grapes to meet the demand that have this quality of Resveratrol - and this research went on after this investigation to suggest ways to cultivate a better grape product worldwide so Resveratrol can be expanded beyond the poor sources using polygonum cuspidatum most companies use today.   

Without any doubt, VINTAGE RESVEATROL 100% is the purest and most bioavailable form of RESVERATROL on the market today.  Prove us wrong?  All the evidence, all the test, and 14 years of customer experience prove us RIGHT.  

Understanding Resveratrol Basics

Resveratrol (trans-3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene), a natural  polyphenolic non-flavonoid antioxidant, is a phytoalexin widely found plants, including grapes, berries, cocoa, and nuts. It is synthesized by plants as a defense against  parasites such as bacteria or fungi. One of the possible mechanisms of its protective activity is the suppression of inflammatory reactions [1]. Recent studies have shown that stilbenes, in  particular trans-resveratrol [2] and its glucoside, have certain health benefits, since they obtain antioxidant, cardioprotective, anticarcinogenic and antitumor  properties [3,4]. Significant oncoprotective properties are proven by number of studies that allow to draw the conclusions about the positive effect of resveratrol in the prevention of certain diseases and the pronounced stimulating effect in chemical therapy aimed at suppressing the formation of malignant tumors [5]. 

 Red Wine

Resveratrol contributes to the antioxidant potential of red wine and thus may play a role in the prevention of human cardiovascular diseases [8,9,10]. The cardioprotective activity of resveratrol is associated with inhibition of platelet aggregation and oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), followed by increased artery vasorelaxation [11].  Numerous in vitro studies describe the different  biological effects of resveratrol. The main effects are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and estrogenic effects, as well as antitumor and chemopreventive effects [12,13,14,15].  Number of clinical trials have shown that resveratrol might be beneficial for patients with diabetes. The therapeutic effect of this compound on diabetes is complex and includes several beneficial functions [16].
The mechanism by which resveratrol improves insulin action includes reducing obesity, altering gene expression, and altering the activity of certain enzymes. These data indicate that resveratrol may be useful in the  prevention and treatment of diabetes. The use of resveratrol, alone or in combination with modern antidiabetic therapies, may become the traditional approach to effective treatment of diabetes mellitus or its complications [17,18]. Since resveratrol is a natural antimicrobial agent, the usage of it has become widely spread among researchers for the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases [19,20].
One of the most popular sources of resveratrol is grapes. The content of resveratrol in the pulp, skin, seeds and stalks of different grape cultivars varies significantly [21,22,23,24]. Due to the important properties of resveratrol, there is a growing interest in the production of products with a higher content of this compound and a higher biological value. The production of grapes and wines with high resveratrol content is based on quality-oriented viticulture (suitable terroirs, sustainable viticultural  practices) and wine-making technologies [25]. The authors of this study believe that the use of resveratrol may be justified when creating functional foods.
The purpose of the study is to follow the dynamics of changes in the concentration of resveratrol in grape raw materials in the following sequence: grapes - concentrated grape juice - wine material - wine. 


This study was done to figure out how to incorporate Grape Resveatrol, the most bioavailable of all forms of TransResveratrol into food products, like Grape Juice.   Of course the problem is finding and growing grapes that have a high content of tranresveratrol like the ones found in the Rhone Valley where Vintage Resverarol 100% come from.  Based on the data, it could be concluded that the  behavior of resveratrol in complex environments is  predictable. The data are in good agreement with the results received by other researchers [17]. The use of grape juice concentrate for food fortification is promising. There are certain prerequisites for the use of specific techniques (for example, infusion), adopted in the technology of winemaking, to obtain concentrated juices with a higher content of resveratrol as compared to traditional methods.