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If you like, read some of the research reports we read at:  RESVERATROL RESEARCH





What is Resveratrol?  may be the most significant discovery in supplement history. Resveratrol (pronounced rez-vair-ah-trol) is best known as a red wine molecule, a matchless and distinctive molecule for human health and longevity. Dr. Sinclair in the famous Harvard study discovered the resveratrol molecule stimulates the SIRT1 gene known as the calorie restriction gene, which is the only gene expression proven to extend human life. In the past ten years, hundreds of studies have been conducted with Resveratrol. It provides a healthy response to so many health concerns including cardiovascular disease, weight loss, cancer, diabetes, cognitive decline, etc. – scientist say its antioxidant benefits alone are miraculous.

Naturally Occurring Resveratrol in French Red Wine Extract May Be One of the Most Significant Natural Vitamin Discoveries in History...

Our French Red Wine Resveratrol provides concentrated levels of Polyphenols, Proanthocyanidins (OPC), and trans-resveratrol from Reveratrol Wine - French red wine grape wine extract.

  • 500mg of French Red Wine Resveratrol in a serving of 7 BASICS™ provides the amount of trans-resveratrol equivalent to 100 glasses of French red wine.
  • 500mg of French Red Wine Reseveratrol in a serving of EVEREST Earth and Sea™ also provides the amount of trans-resveratrol equivalent to 100 glasses of French red wine because EVEREST Earth and Sea™ contains the entire 7 BASICS™ Super Nutrient formula. 
  • 1000mg of French Red Wine Resveratrol in a serving of  Vintage Resveratrol 100%™ is equivalent to 200 glasses of French red win.  
  • A lot of Natural Biology customers take EVEREST Earth & Sea™ and/or 7 BASICS™ - and then take 1 capsules of Vintage Resveatrol 100%™ daily to insure they receive 1000mg - which Natural Biology research says is the optimum daily desirable amount.  

TRANS-FORM is required for the benefits of Resveratrol

 Resveratrol exists in both trans and cis-forms. Only the trans-form resveratrol however is capable of activating the mammalian SIRT1 gene, and is generally cited in literature as being biologically active.



Among Western nations, the people of France have the lowest incidence of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes, which is attributed to their love of red wine. Natural Biology brought to you France’s secret of longevity, the original full spectrum grape extract with naturally occurring Resveratrol. Made of red wine grapes from the Rhone Valley in France, this our resveratrol has been a signature product (since 2004) is a powerful antioxidant that scavenges free radicals, reducing oxidative damage to cells. It helps support resistance to oxidation, providing cardiovascular protection. Our Resveratrol may also help poor capillary elasticity and structure by inhibiting harmful enzymes - as well as all the benefits listed here for Resveratrol.

There are three constituents of grape polyphenols that are possibly responsible for the French paradox: 

  1. Trans-resveratrol- a phytoalexin, an antibiotic compound produced by the grapes in response to external invasion, infection and disease. In grapes, resveratrol is found only in the skins and its amount varies with the grape cultivar, geographic origin, and climate. Red wine contains more resveratrol than white and rose wines as red wines spend more time in contact with grape skins during processing.
  2. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs)- also known as proanthocyanidins and procyanidins. OPCs are found in the seeds of grapes. OPCs are dimer-, trimer-, and tetramer-condensation products of the polyphenolic monomers (+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin. OPCs are one of nature’s most powerful and readily bioavailable antioxidants. Plasma levels of total catechin and its metabolites in human volunteers increased about five times one hour after consumption of 120 ml of red wine or de-alcoholized red wine16. Serum full grape extract levels measured in human volunteers after 4 weeks of using our resveratrol ingestion significantly increased. Serum levels later dropped by 18% after supplementation was discontinued for 2 weeks, suggesting that grape phenols are quickly depleted when not supplemented.  

    Procyanidin dimers are considered the most beneficial to health and are the most prevalent in red wine4. In their free radical scavenging capacity, grape procyanidin dimers were about 20 times stronger than Vitamin C . Procyanidin dimers are the correct size to be potent antioxidants and yet be immediately bioavailable. In addition, procyanidin dimers are the correct size for enzyme binding, which may account for the cardioprotective effects of red wine consumption. These enzymes are also critical in detoxifying carcinogens and repairing damaged DNA. Procyanidin dimers prevent oxidation of these enzymes and the decrease of their activity, leading to metabolic disorders and risk of chronic diseases.

  3. Anthocyanins- from the grape skins. Anthocyanins have demonstrated in animal studies to be beneficial for cardioprotection, cholesterol lowering, vision improvement, and general free-radical scavenging .

French Red Wine Resveratrol Data 

  • Resveratrol content in wines varies from 0.05 - 1.8 mg/l in white wines to 1.98 - 7.13 mg/l in red wines.
  • Red wine resveratrol has made the headlines after studies indicated that it might promote longevity in
  • mice on a high-calorie diet as well as reduce obesity-related issues such as diabetes and heart disease .
  • Resveratrol was first found to help promote healthy longevity in yeast and short-term vertebrates. In mice, the death rate of middle-aged animals on a high-calorie diet plus resveratrol was decreased by 31%5. As a potent antioxidant, resveratrol was also shown to inhibit low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation and platelet aggregation.
  • In an animal model, resveratrol provided cardioprotection by reducing ischemia-reperfusion-induced arrhythmias and mortality. In endothelial cell cultures it increased nitric oxide synthase, the enzyme responsible for biosynthesis of Nitric Oxide synthesis. It also induced phase 2 metabolizing enzymes involved in the detoxification of carcinogens and inhibited in vitro cancer cell proliferation.

RESVERATROL Works Because of the Grape's Bioactive Compounds 

The French Red Wine Grape Extract  contains a complex mixture of bioactive compounds, including flavonols, monomeric and polymeric flavan-3-ols, highly colored anthocyanins, as well as phenolic acids and the stilbene polyphen. In mouse and rat experiments, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, blood-sugar-lowering and other beneficial cardiovascular effects of resveratrol have been reported. Research on humans may take many more years in the USA since it takes years of testing to validate results although this has not kept millions of people from going ahead with taking resveratrol supplements.


French Red Wine Resveratrol has no resveratrol side-effects from short-term or long-term use. It can be taken with food or without food.  There are currently over 50 university studies using resveratrol wine.


Resveratrol stimulates the SIRT-1 Gene which has been scientifically proven to expand life - research done in calorie restriction research proves the importance of the SIRT-1 Gene and longevity. The best resveratrol may provide these benefits:

  • Resveratrol exhibits therapeutic potential for cancer chemoprevention as well as cardio protection.
  • Resveratrol may aid in the prevention of age-related disorders, such as neurodegenerative diseases, inflammation, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Resveratrol improves cell survival as a mechanism of cardio- and neuro-protection.