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TRANSCEND - Part Two - Improving Your Natural Biology

Part II - TRANSCEND - Cellular Health and Ortho-Molecular Research

by Steve Bruner

Are You in the Vitamin Club of Survivors - Most Likely You Are Not

Would you like to be in the top 10% of people who take really good vitamins, know what you are doing, and get incredible results. You can join the Survivors Club of Vitamins, who not only survive but thrive - and Vitamin Club Survivors TRANSCEND… I see people all the time who get it, feel great, even in the face of some of life's most difficult challenges.

Only when you understand the full reality of what it takes can you really thrive. Remember in Part One, Survivors are realist who get the facts and tools they need to survive. To survive in the vitamin world you need to use ortho-molecularly designed supplements. (While we call just about everything vitamins, they are actually supplements, and the best of all supplements are extracts and organic micro-nutrients - not synthetic. They are pure and because of the way they are processed retain a higher concentration of active ingredients, which what the good studies report on).

Ortho-Molecular Research

Natural Biology formulates supplements based on the ortho-molecular research model of medicine developed by two time Nobel-Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling. He believed that if you changed the environment of your body’s chemistry at the cellular level (using natural micro-nutrients provided by nature) you could find balance and the key to health excellence. He set forth a plethora of paradigms for doing this which our company subscribes to. After eight years of results we have seen consistent results with our customers who follow our protocols.

To put it in layman’s terms, the theory of Ortho-Molecular is to saturate your cells with micro-nutrients (antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, Omega 3, etc) that improved cellular function. It forces your cells to react proactively to a dense and rich source of energy! Ultimately, all healthy cellular activity is about good energy and communication - sort of like good relationships. Ortho-molecular creates a good relationship between what you give your cells and how they respond in kind!

Your Systems & Organs Are Cells

Every organ makes up your body systems and everything starts with a cell. Your brain, digestive system, skin, hair, cardiovascular system, immune system, hormones, etc. – all are made from cells. Healthy cells make healthy people. Healthy cells provide plenty of energy for physical and mental function. For example, brain fog is a result of low brain energy!

Mitochondria is the Powerhouse of Every Cell

A large part, if not the most important part, of a healthy cell is the how healthy is the mitochondria.

The mitochondria is the powerhouse of every cell. If it is functioning at peak capacity then your cells operate much more efficiently in providing energy and fighting off foreign invaders. Feeling tired lately, guess what – for some reason, your cells are tired. Take away what is making your cells tired and also give them what they need, and you will suddenly find you have energy. Sometimes this is a relatively quick fix, like a cup of coffee, but that is the hard way to go about it. Drink coffee because you enjoy it; but wake up ready to go is the healthy approach. Rebuilding cellular energy takes time – from weeks to months to years depending how bad down the cellular spiral you have fallen. The promise however is you can change your natural biology and TRANSCEND. Just like you can damage your DNA from bad habits like smoking, there is a growing body of evidence that says you can improve your DNA .


Ortho-Molecular Supplements are based on Superior Knowledge

Our company is one of only a few companies that formulate ortho-molecular supplements. Most companies work from a different paradigm. They sell traditional ingredients or hyped products. You get some of the benefit maybe, but most likely, you miss the point all together. For example, if you are taking ACAI juice, it is homogenized. To homogenize an ingredient, you heat it up. This kills the active ingredients in the ACAI berry and now you are simply paying for expensive nothingness, mostly sugar. The best way to get the active ingredient in ACAI berries is to either eat the berry or use a purified extract from Brazilian ACAI berries - known to have the highest active ingredients.

Ortho-Molecular supplements are expensive to make because the micro-nutrients cost considerably more and generally require more elaborate formulations. We also have to process them differently. For example, some ingredients are extracted with extreme heat versus other methods that do not affect the active ingredients. To illustrate this point let’s just consider one ingredient Natural Biology uses in 4GRAMS, EVEREST, VITA-TRATES, and VINTAGE RESVEATROL 100% - grape seed extract. Natural Biology uses a grape seed extract that cost $185 per kilo from France whereas most companies use a $25 per kilo grape seed extract from China. Our grape seed extract even provides an active ingredient called trans-resveratrol which is the best natural form of resveratrol; whereas, most companies sell a cheap Chinese version from polygonum cuspidatum which test well in labs but not humans. It frustrates us to know 95% of all grape seed extract is inferior but sells basically for the same price we offer the quality solution.

Here’s the sad news! Most of you will fall between the cracks of the marketing muscle of the supplement industry. This is even more true with AMAZON which means well, but anything flies.  In the Survivors Club you know Amazon reviews are more often than not, paid reviews - false information.  You will end up wasting your time and your resources taking inferior products that in many instances will result in you paying more for an inferior products. 

In the Survivors Club, people are aware price in supplements might mean better quality, but sometimes its a smoke screen.  Most of the fruit and vegetable powders should be sold for $19.95 but their marketing machines know if they charge a lot more, and I mean a lot more, people perceive value, and overpay for something they should be paying a lot less for - and probably should be taking something better to begin with.

Supplements are always about what is hot - and when it is hot it is usually expensive, but not necessarily good. Back in the early days of Coral Calcium companies like Coral Calcium Watchdogs hyped rock coral as being superior and sold an inferior grade for $29 per bottle. It’s not a bad product if enhanced with calcium, but Watchdogs hypes rock coral for profits, not science. We have always sold the superior Marine Grade Okinawa Coral Calcium called SMP44 enhanced with magnesium and Vitamin D. There's no comparison. The difference is we believe, once educated, an informed customer is a better customer.

This doesn’t even take into account the biological benefit you receive or don’t receive. For example, in the same example above - if you take rock coral not enhanced with magnesium, the calcium is almost impossible to have a high absorption rate. Calcium works exponentially better with magnesium. It’s naturally present in SMP44 Coral Calcium but not rock coral. Of course, Watch Dogs also tries to convince you they are a non-profit running Google Ads at $3 per click to help you make informed decisions. The only problem is they recommend 3 products that just happen to be the same products owned by the Board of Directors at Watch Dogs. In the supplement world, you need to be careful. A common practice now is companies setting up non-profits and evaluation sites pretending to give non-biased opinions. Don’t believe it. I have not found one yet that is not recommending cheap products over quality products simply to pad their profits. In my experience staying away from multi-level marketing companies (who often have great marketing and even good ideas) and so-called non-profit evaluation sites. There are a handful of good companies offering supplements at fair prices. Do business with these companies and you’ll not only survive, you’ll thrive because your investment in supplements will pay you back in multiples.

Making Ortho-Molecular Easy

Natural Biology has designed a DAILY PROTOCOLS with products like 4GRAMS, EVEREST Earth & Sea Formula, Antarctic Pure Krill Oil, Vintage Resveratrol 100%, and Okinawa Coral Calcium (Marine Grade with the perfect 2:1 Calcium/Magnesium ratio processed without heat). These DAILY PROTOCOLS delivers to your cells and in particularly your mitochondria exactly what it needs. The same micro-nutrients work equally well for men and women. This is another marketing type - women’s multivitamins and men’s multivitamins. There are some supplements only for men and only for women but nothing in the daily category.

Daily Protocols
I believe less is better if less is indeed better. These are protocols that have high quality ingredients at potencies and strengths supported by a meta-analysis of major university research. If you take one of these protocols it may be the only supplement program you'll ever need. If you get the foundation right, so many other things people take supplements for are already taken care of when you receive daily a balance of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes, adaptogens, and probiotics - and all without gluten, soy, lectins, nuts, dairy, or animal based products.


  • EVEREST Earth & Sea - Take 4 capsules daily if you weigh under 140 pounds and 6 capsules daily if you weight over 150 pounds
  • Arctic Ocean Krill Oil or Norwegian Omega 3: Take 2 soft gels daily - either product or take 1 soft gel of each, which is what I take.
  • Okinawa Coral Calcium - Take 2 capsules daily

  • 4GRAMS - Take 3 capsules daily (4GRAMS includes calcium from Aquamin - a seaweed mineral complex)
  • Arctic Ocean Krill Oil or Norwegian Omega 3: Take 2 soft gels daily - either product or take 1 soft gel of each, which is what I take.
  OPTIONS to all the protocols above:

  • VINTAGE RESVERATROL 100% - Take 2 capsules daily (highly recommended for all ages)
  • OxyAGE - Take 3 capsules daily (particularly good if you are over 55 years of age)
  • MED FACTORS - Take 2 capsules daily. 

Good Research and the Business Model of Supplements

Two opposite worlds in Contrast

I have read and compiled data from thousands of university studies. This is called a meta-analysis of data and we use this is a primary research tool at Natural Biology Labs. As the Chief Science Officer my job is to evaluate research, looking for the common threads of success in natural ingredients, understanding what is proven, what has promise, and knowing the difference between fact, myth, and folklore. So many times I want something to be true that just does not stand up to our total analysis.

I would like to make a difference in your life by sharing my analysis and understanding of supplements with you. I’ll even tell you before this series of articles is over how I modeled Natural Biology after the technology industry. I worked for Fortune 100 companies as an executive for twenty years in the computer industry. Technology operates from a superior business model compared to the supplement industry. Supplement companies say “make it for less and sell it higher than they should because they use hyperboles to inflate the value.” Technology companies compete in a world where you say “make the very best and sell it at market prices.” That is what Natural Biology does!

Today, we live in exciting times. We have access to much better ingredients if you can find them. The market is overwhelmed with Chinese ingredients because they are cheaper. I would estimate over 90% of all the ingredients used in hundreds of brands in your typical GNC or vitamin store come from China. Some are okay but how do you know the difference? The only way you can know is if you fully trust and understand the motivation of the company behind the product.

Let me give you an example. 99% of all Royal Jelly, Propolis, and Bee Pollen comes from China that is sold in the USA. At Natural Biology after heavy metal testing, purity of product testing, and toxic testing, we reject 9 out of 10 Bee ingredients from China. We ultimately find the good ones but it takes time. Remember, China is the most polluted country in the world. If you’ve been there you know what I mean.

Another fundamental problem exist with the supplement business model. You cannot trademark or patent a natural ingredient. You can invent a process and trademark it but that doesn’t necessarily make it any better. For example, today most physicians prescribe what they call a Prescription Omega 3 fish oil. Essentially it is a high quality concentrate. The cost is about 5-10 times the cost of what it should cost but the drug companies get a drug patent for it by the process they use and run the cost up. One area of concern is as drug companies get into supplements they will increase profit margins, thus cost, and most ingredients may become artificial. As long as it’s legal, don’t fear, Natural Biology will continue to source and offer the purest and natural ingredients available.

For example, Natural Biology uses a Grape Seed Extract that cost $185 per kilo whereas most companies use Grape Seed extract from China that cost approx. $25 per kilo; however, I would suggest our Grape Seed Extract is twenty to thirty times better than what our competitors use and yet it cost only 7-8 times more. Guess what. Drug companies are making a synthetic grape seed that cost $1800 and it’s taking off. It’s a rip off. Here again, are you a survivor or a victim?

Let me give you an example of how the business of supplements is difficult. Back in 2002 Natural Biology formulated a great arthritis and pain cream called Super Blue RX. There were competitive products on the market but not nearly as good. The competition was selling their products for approx. $50 in 2 oz containers. We made a much better product in a 16 oz container and sold it for $30. The problem was the 16 oz container lasted our customers forever and we did not get enough repeat business because it lasted too long. As a result a year or two later when our customers came back to buy the product, we were out and they were upset because they knew how good they had it.

By the way, we make supplements the same way and the difference is people use them everyday - so while we do not enjoy the huge profits of other supplements companies, we make it work because we get repeat business; our customers are our best form of advertising; we cut out the fluff. This has allowed us to put more into the product and fulfill a dream of making what I believe are some of the best supplements in history.

The purpose of the TRANSCEND articles is to try to convey in layman terms, easy-to-understand concepts that can transform your understanding so you can change your Natural Biology for the better and realize a better you. With all of my soul I believe this is possible. It’s a journey and not a magic pill.

Ortho-Molecular Research

Natural Biology formulates supplements based on the ortho-molecular research model of medicine developed by two time Nobel-Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling. He believed that if you changed the environment of your body’s chemistry at the cellular level (using natural micro-nutrients provided by nature) you could find balance and the key to health excellence. He set forth a plethora of paradigms for doing this. To put it in layman’s terms, the philosophy was to saturate with your cells with micro-nutrients (antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, Omega 3, etc) that improved cellular function.

Your Systems & Organs Are Cells

Every organ makes up your body systems and everything starts with a cell. Your brain, digestive system, skin, hair, cardiovascular system, immune system, hormones, etc. – all are made from cells. Healthy cells make healthy people. Healthy cells provide plenty of energy for physical and mental function. For example, brain fog is a result of low brain energy!

Mitochondria is the Powerhouse of Every Cell

A large part, if not the most important part, of a healthy cell is the how healthy is the mitochondria. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of every cell. If it is functioning at peak capacity then your cells operate much more efficiently in providing energy and fighting off foreign invaders. Feeling tired lately, guess what – for some reason, your cells are tired. Take away what is making your cells tired and also give them what they need, and you will suddenly find you have energy. Sometimes this is a relatively quick fix. Other times it takes some time – from weeks to months to years depending how bad down the cellular spiral you have fallen. The promise however is you can change your natural biology and transcend. Just like you can damage your DNA from bad habits like smoking, there is a growing body of evidence that says you can improve your DNA .

What People Say Who are Transcending

To Transcend you need to understand why it might not be possible for you unless you come to an honest appraisal of yourself, your habits, your tendencies, your addictions, etc. Still it is possible and supplements often help give you the push to overcome and get your will power working toward living a more fulfilled life.

Transcending is a process and either you are or you aren’t. People when taking a high quality supplement program describe the experience as being in the “zone” an almost euphoric experience. Several times each day I personally feel this rush – usually hours after I take my supplements. Just this morning I busy early and forgot to take my supplements first thing. About 10:00 I noticed I felt scattered brain and stressed. I stopped and took my morning supplements, and within minutes I was functioning at a higher level and was motivated to finish this article - and even took out the trash.

Of course I can kill my improved state of being (mind, body, and soul) by consuming large amounts of sugar, failing to get some daily sunshine, failing to exercise, or something happening that stresses me out. Sugar and carbohydrates are my worst enemy. In fact, I am guilty of being a sugar addict. I love sweets. They don’t love me. I find when I lay off sweets not only do my supplements work better but I can handle stress even better. Better yet, if I do sweets exercise can offset some of the negative effects.

You will notice I include my soul as part of my “state of being.” As a Christian my soul is my spirit and my will. If I choose bad, then I am willing myself to have poor results. This does affect my will power because if I have low energy, lack of focus, etc. - then I find it harder to will myself to do good for myself. I believe God wants the best for me and have given me good information and good resources to do good for myself. Sugar is my drug, my alcohol, my addiction. If I can control it, then I function at a higher level - and I get the full impact of my supplements which give me a “WHOW” effect - so much better than a sugar high or comfort food.

When I feel more “WHOW” then I am prone to exercise more consistently and get outside and enjoy life to its fullest. Life is like a puzzle we keep trying to get all the pieces working together. The key is to keep trying no matter how often you misplace a piece of the puzzle. Don’t be optimistic. Be a realist and realize this is not easy for most of us. If you develop a good ethic of implementing what you know, chances are if you know it and reinforce that belief then you will succeed. We are changed by the “transforming of our minds” so we can choose better and will ourselves to live life to the fullest.

A Question for You - Just be Honest and Learn What Motivates Your Behavior

Is it biological, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc.

What is the primary thing that depletes your energy and harm cellular health that you have control over? Here are a few:

  • 1. Diet: The Mediterranean diet is highly recommended. Eating less sugar and white flour is essential to having energy and good health. This diet maximizes the Natural Biology Daily Protocol.
  • 2. Exercise: The lack of exercise and being a coach potato is a problem of epidemic proportions. Just walking 30 minutes to 1 hour daily can do miraculous things for us. Join a gym, get an exercise partner or a coach. Exercise and Natural Biology’s Daily Protocol plan work miracles.
  • 3. Sunshine: Sunshine makes Vitamin D. 80% of Americans have a Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is essential for your immune system, mood support, and so many critical biological functions. Natural Biology’s EVEREST Earth & Sea Formula and 4GRAMS has high quality Vitamin D content compared to most Vitamin D supplements.
  • 4. Stress: Studies show people who have good internal mechanism for dealing with stress like meditation, prayer, worship, yoga, etc. handle stress in a more healthy way. By the way walking and exercise are excellent stress relievers. Working in a garden or having an outside hobby is a great stress reliever. Stress also comes from things like prescription medicines, smoking, drinking too much, toxins, allergens, etc.
  • 5. Supplements: High quality micro-nutrients give your cells what they need and helps to protect them from foreign invaders. In today’s world supplementing is essential to health excellence regardless of how good your diet is; however, there is a significant difference in a supplement plan that is effective and one that is not. Most important, you should have a supplement program that only helps you survive modern stresses from the environment, stress, and foods - but one that helps you TRANSCEND to your BEST SELF.

The 3-1-1 Plan of Supplements

There are a couple of primary things you need to know when taking supplements – supplements that affect your cellular health:

  1. Quality supplements are the critical difference. Quality supplements would be the same comparison of putting dirty gas in a race car versus high-performance octane gas for race cars. God made you beautiful. You are a race car. Your mind and body should be treated with the best of the best to get the results we all want. The irony is money is not necessarily the key to getting the best quality. For example, if Natural Biology used the same mark-up models as most supplement companies products like EVEREST Earth & Sea Formula or 4GRAMS would cost you about $200 per bottle . (We’ll show you in Part V of this series how to determine quality and what you should pay.)
  2. Quality formulations are based on research and the formula should provide not only efficacy from quality ingredients but synergy – the parts together are more powerful than alone. Too often in the world of supplements, results are based on lab studies and not the human experience. It’s hard to put together all the different components of a good supplement program without a certain degree of expertise and the supplement industry wants you to buy lots of products rather than a few. That is how they make money.
  3. You need to take exactly what you need, not too little, not too much, and certainly the right things. This is best accomplished on a 3-1-1 plan assuming you are taking the right supplements. Take supplements 3 times per day around your meals; take some in mid-afternoon; and take some 1 hour before bed. This keeps the active ingredients in your blood stream through-out the entire day. They are micro-nutrients and just like food, and if they are any good they are used up through-out your day! Also, if you take them all at one time, chances are your urine is a little more expensive than it should be. When you take too much at one time, the body flushes them out with your urine. Some people can go overboard with supplements and this can potentially damage their liver; however, if you follow our protocols we are well within those outer limits.

We recommend you take your vitamins serious and keep them in your bloodstream by taking them 3-5 times daily. Take the main supplements around meal times and perhaps in the middle afternoon. Then take night-time supplements an hour or so before bed on an empty stomach. (We’ll discuss this plan in a moment.) We call this the 3-1-1 plan.

Every once in a while I will experiment and stop my supplement plan. By the way, this is a bad idea but I do it for research purposes! My wife can hardly wait till I start back. I am grumpy, less energetic, restless at night, and wake up feeling like I have a hang-over, and I even get depressed. I am a vitamin junkie because my supplement plan is the difference in feeling great and feeling really lousy. Who chooses lousy? No one does no purpose. We are however creatures prone to repeat mistakes.

A large part of being in the health zone is providing what your mitochondria need to operate at peak capacities. If you provide the mitochondria with vital micro-nutrients the mitochondria is nourished, is protected, it can repair itself, and you feel rejuvenated.

The Loss of Cellular Vitality Starts at Age 25

The loss of cellular vitality is caused by a number of factors, including glycation, free-radical reaction, false energy sources, and foreign invaders (toxins, viruses, pollutants, drugs, etc.). These factors along with age affect mitochondria health. Starting at age 25 our mitochondria health is downgraded every ten years. Some age faster than others. Some age much slower. Why? According to scientist aging is a relative experience we all share and is due in part to things like genetics, environment, stress, health, disease, drugs, toxins, etc . Ironically most people have been led to believe aging is primarily a genetic factor, but research suggest it accounts for only about 25% of how you age. The other 75% is a variable that we have some control over.

I remember a guy who use to work for my parents who was a alcoholic, often homeless, was 38 years old and looked older than my parents who were twice his age. We also know people who are 60 and they look 45, without plastic surgery. More importantly, we know people who feel 20 to 30 years younger than their peers. We also know 30 year olds who are tired, stressed, and have failing health.

The Promise of Cellular Energy

If we are willing to take few simple steps we can improve our cellular health with supplements by primarily focusing on the health of the mitochondria. It is one thing we actually have control over. Today, we live in exciting times because of the proliferation of amazing research. Micro-nutrients are better than ever. There are about 25-50 highly research micro-nutrients that make a significant difference in health – and are proven by meta-analysis. (Meta-analysis is the cumulative total of all university research that meets the highest standard. It also is interpreted to be used for human results which means we throw out anything questionable and use only that which is based on solid clinical results.)

Mitochondria Converts Food into Energy - ATP

Mitochondria convert energy from food into usable currency. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are broken down inside your cells into sub-components your cells can utilize. This cellular journey takes place in the mitochondria where “micro-nutrients” undergo a complex series of biochemical transformations that generate ATP. ATP stands for adenosine triphoshate. This is the molecular energy behind all biological functions including good cardiovascular health, skin health, immune system health, digestive health, hormonal health, brain health – every organ and body system.

Note: Here is how important ATP is to sustaining life and all your biological functions: Did you know your body converts a volume of ATP every day equal to your entire weight?

In 2007 a group of researchers reported a major breakthrough in how mitochondria dysfunction unfolds. Again, it has everything to do with the environment your cells are functioning in. Ortho-Molecular seeks to improve that environment.

Unfortunately, cellular decline is like any other forms of atrophy that once decline sets in, it has the ability to rapidly decline. Once this rapid decline starts we are subject to disease, chronic disease, and our lives can changed fast for the worst - and then reversing this direction becomes considerably more difficult and sometimes impossible. The key for us is to stop this downward spiral before it is too late. We can repair ourselves from fairly bad places but the earlier we start, the better.

If we do something about our mitochondria, we can reverse the damaging effects that may already be in progress. Most important, we can enjoy a better quality of life – and feel the way we want to feel. But first, you must use good information and make good choices.

The Break-Down - Stress

Stress is the great killer of cells. If you do not manage emotional stress well, your cells already know. If you are exposed to toxins you are stressing your cells. If you exercise too much or not enough, you are stressing your cells. If you smoke you are stressing your cells. If you over-eat or eat the wrong things you are stressing your cells.

Emotional stress is caused by worry. Worry is caused by fears. It all leads to stresses on our body that are unhealthy. There are stresses beyond our control like toxins we are exposed to and some we do not even realize. We know synthetics in our homes are full of toxins. Most of us can’t go 100% organic. The irony is no matter how well you understand the stresses upon your body unless you can do something about it, understanding stress doesn’t do you any good. There are 5 things most of us can do to cut down and manage stress more effectively:

  • 1. Diet: The primary thing is to cut out as much sugar from your diet as possible. Sugar over-excites your cells and then crashes them. It causes free radical activities that lead to glycation. Your body requires poly saccarides (sugar) but the best place to get it is from vine-fresh fruits and vegetables. (Sweet soft drinks and juices are one of the worst sources of sugar). The Mediterranean diet is the best diet to follow for a healthier you.
  • 2. Exercise: The best way to handle stress on a daily basis is exercise. It is also the best way to burn up bad sugar and keep it from turning into extra pounds (more stress). One of the best exercises of all time is walking – 30 to 60 minutes daily.
  • 3. Meditation: Studies have shown people who practice prayer, meditation, or yoga deal with stress more effectively in their souls. Your soul is your will power, your spirit, and your mind working in conjunction with each other. These practices keep give a person that extra portion of faith to transcend their circumstances.
  • 4. Family and Friends: People who are lucky enough to share life with others deal with stress better. If the stress is too great therapy can be a great stress reliever.
  • 5. Supplements: Good supplements can make all the difference in helping to nourish, protect, repair, and rejuvenate your cells. Stress depletes vital nutrients from hormones, body systems, and the brain. If we give our brains and bodies what it needs, chances are we are coping with stress on multiple levels – from emotional stress to stresses caused by unseen toxins. It also might help motivate us to eat better, exercise more, and even be more proactive in determining our own destinies.

Here is how important ATP is to sustaining life and all your biological functions. Did you know your body converts a volume of ATP every day equal to your entire weight? It is an intense process.

Cancer and other chronic disease is a result of your cells failing – your DNA being changed. All healthy cells are result of a healthy mitochondria – the powerhouse of every cell. For example, if you have good mental energy, focus, clarity of thought, and the absence of brain fog – your brain cells are healthy. They are healthy because the mitochondria is providing energy your brain needs.

The powerhouse of every cell in your body is the mitochondria. The mitochondria is the key to living a healthy life at all ages. Learn to take care of your mitochondria, and you will improve your health exponentially the rest of your life. If you slow down and even stop the ravages of those things that damage your mitochondria you may prevent inevitable damage to your DNA but equally important, slow aging down. Damaged DNA starts a downward spiral of health, often ending with chronic disease(s) and poor health. Once this happens, the damage is done and at best one can hope for a miracle from God, drugs, or an alternative therapy.

In 2007 a group of researchers reported a major breakthrough in how mitochondria dysfunction unfolds. If we do something about it we can reverse the damaging effects that most likely will end up with you having a chronic diseases, and degenerative health. Once degeneration pushes through the floor its hard to stop, and sometimes impossible. So the operative therapy is to start doing something about your mitochondria now. A smoker with cancer will benefit from laying cigarettes down, but most will not do this because they do not place enough value on the human body to heal itself given the right set of circumstances.

Bad energy sources throws off an intense number of electrons within the mitochondria, which results in constant exposure to free radicals. If free radicals are not put into check-mate eventually this causes oxidative damage and the cell becomes vulnerable to decay.

The results are not pretty if a death spiral of free radical damage continues. The Mitochondria convert energy from food into usable currency. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are broken down inside your cells into sub-components your cells can utilize. This cellular journey takes place in the mitochondria where “macronutrients” undergo a complex series of biochemical transformations that generate ATP. ATP stands for adenosine triphoshate. This is the molecular energy behind all biological functions including good cardiovascular health, skin health, immune system health, digestive health, hormonal health, brain health – every organ and body system.

Here is how important ATP is to sustaining life and all your biological functions. Did you know your body converts a volume of ATP every day equal to your entire weight? It is an mitochondria gradually begin to deteriorate. This leads to a lower production of ATP energy while free radicals are on the increase. Over time, this continuous reversal of good cellular health destroys the mitochondria membranes and causes molecular decay. As we age the levels of oxidative damage increase steadily. The body’s defenses weaken at the same time. This accelerates the cellular senescence and death.

This aging process can be slowed up or sped up depending on our lifestyle habits, exercise, diet, stress, toxic exposure, drugs, genetics, etc. If too may negative factors combined with age are in play, the overall prognosis is not good and cellular death and atrophy will dominate while factors of good health decline rapidly.

Everything we do at Natural Biology is based on how we can nourish, protect, repair, and hopefully rejuvenate the mitochondria. If we can give the body what it needs to improve ATP production while at the same time stopping as much free radical damage as possible, then we believe our supplements can make a significant impact on your health today and for the future.

Here is what makes Natural Biology supplements different than most – and there are some good ones on the market; however, there are more bad ones than good ones. Here’s our secret:

  1. We place the identical ingredient used in major university research and we use it at purity levels and strengths that will give you the opportunity to experience the results discovered in clinical data. Did you realize window dressing is the primary way supplement company’s formulate? Example: Let’s say that 98% grape seed extract was used at 300mg in a particular study. The study comes out and people say “whow grape seed extract” and they are sold capsules that are 80% at 50mg each. This is window dressing. Another example is to put a lot of ingredients around an ingredient but there is not enough of anything to do anything - window dressing. Natural Biology would use 98% grape seed extract and would give you 300mg.