October 9, 2019 – Steve Bruner

Vision is arguably the most important of your five senses. Even the slightest vision loss is instantly noticeable. Unfortunately, for most, vision loss is a normal part of aging. Luckily, a study by Missouri researchers has found that resveratrol has the ability to counteract this somewhat common occurrence. How? They discovered that resveratrol has the ability to regulate angiogenesis, thereby preventing the abnormal growth of blood vessels that are damaging to eyesight. Other eye-friendly foods to consider include omega-3 fatty fish, as well as foods rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E.
Does your family have a history of cancer? If so, you’re likely familiar with colon cancer as, according to the Mayo Clinic, it’s the most frequently occurring digestive system cancer. Because of its deadly result, researchers across the world continue to search for ways to prevent it. A recent study conducted in France concluded that resveratrol was able to slow down the production of cancerous cells and therefore could be considered an effective anticancer agent. Some of the top natural sources of resveratrol include blueberries, peanuts, grapes, and both red and white wines.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2011, heart disease ranked as the United States’ leading cause of death. Consider your family history and plan ahead. A Canadian study found that by drinking one to two 5-ounce glasses of wine per day, study participants were able to significantly reduce their risk of developing artherosclerotic disease, a precursor to heart disease and stroke, and subsequently also reduce their risk of death by roughly 30%. How? Researchers in Connecticutdetermined that resveratrol preconditions your heart thus providing it with the best protection to avoid cardiac events.
Do you get turned off with the mere thought of endurance training? What if you could enhance your results? According to a 2012 Canadian study, resveratrol supplementation could provide similar skeletal muscle benefits as endurance training. The study, conducted over a 12-week period on rats, found that resveratrol supplementation also resulted in an increase of endurance, oxidative metabolism, and enhanced cardiac function. Better yet, the combination of endurance training with resveratrol supplementation resulted in a performance increase of 21%. Be smart: Continue endurance training and consider resveratrol supplementation to augment results.